Support for Vivoactive 5?

Is there already support for the Vivoative 5?
Greetings Jan


Yes, this is supported. I have one myself.


Hi David,

How do you get a STRAVA route using mappily on VIVOACTIVE 5? I was in process of looking for another version of garmin that has maps as realised I cant follow a strava route with vivoactive 5.


Once you have the app, register at and you can link your strava account to your mappily account. When you create a Strava route it will automatically be available in the Route menu on the watch, and on the website. Nothing more to do. You can also sync manually from the website whenever you need


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Getting INVALID ROUTE CODE:400 come up although a map shows in between the error message.

Will one require premium to be able to use the map when away from mobile device, as I see initially needs to be connected to phone to find routes synced from STRAVA.

You need the premium version to show the map, but the route will show regardless. It will be a line.

400 is a connectivity error and if you could get a map on the screen, it is likely a problem on our side. Does it repeatably generate the same error?

Ok understood.

Yes it flashes the error message every 7-8 seconds

Ok, let us take a look into what’s happening there. I presume you registered with the email you are using on this forum?


Yeah I just deleted app, going to try again, wasn’t sure if it was Strava.

Or also I wasn’t testing outside maybe that was it?

But in principle you can follow a bread crumb path whilst in the garmin running app on a vivoactive 5, I guess garmin could invest in this but would rather sell you a more expensive watch…but great if the option is there, the vivo active is a nice size watch to run with, so having the ability to go off trail so to speak is great and makes it more versatile.