Cant connect my Forerunner 645

Hi I get an errorcode when i try to connect my device “Forerunner 645” to

I have followed the instructions, but when i press “connect” efter entering the 6 digit code on the page, i get an error code.

Error code copied here:
Error creating Device. 502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)


Sorry, tried a few more times ond now i succeded.

Glad to hear it worked. I presume it was a temporary issue with the website that resolved itself, or that we had some planned downtime

I have the same error. For Forerunner 245. Should I keep trying with other codes?

Hi - seems like there might be some issue that needs investigation. In the meantime if you’re getting issues, drop an email to and we’ll set it up manually.